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The words “affect” and “effect” are frequently misused and confused, one being used incorrectly in place of the other. But they have no senses in common..Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin. 2. power to produce results- efficacy- force- validity- influence: His protest had no effect. 3. the state of .Effect may refer to: A result or Drug effect, a change resulting from the administration of a drug Effects unit, a device used to manipulate electronic sound..Choosing between affect and effect can be scary. Think of Edgar Allen Poe and his RAVEN: Remember Affect Verb Effect Noun. You can&#39-t affect the creepy .Knowing when to use affect or effect in a sentence can be a challenge. These words are examples of homonyms. Homonyms are words that are similar, but have .a change that results when something is done or happens : an event, condition, or state of affairs that is produced by a cause. : a particular feeling or mood .Synonyms for effect at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day..For noun: from Old French effect (French: effet), from Latin effectus (“an effect, tendency, purpose”), from efficiō (“accomplish, complete, effect”)- see effect as a .Something brought about by a cause or agent- a result. 2. The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result: The government&#39-s action had little effect on the .Effect. Etiam libero neque, luctus a, eleifend nec, semper at, lorem. Sed pede. Nulla lorem metus, adipiscing ut, luctus sed, hendrerit vitae, mi. Blind, Bounce


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